Energy Industry Company – In Harmony with Nature
05.09.2023 / Client: Energy Industry Company / Office for IT Section
– Engaged in numerous innovative ecological projects
– Produces 97% CO2-free electricity
Workplace had already designed an office for this company in 2016 in Wrocław. This time, we were tasked with designing a large IT department in the same city. The office was to be located in a different building than the headquarters. The project was to be completed quickly. The client envisioned earthy colors, heavy greening, and preferred a Scandinavian atmosphere.
Designers (Olga Szadkowska, Małgorzata Romanowicz, and Daria Żarnoch) decided to create a space that would provide employees with the most comfortable and ergonomic working conditions. They focused on work quality. They utilized knowledge from Workplace’s latest research on designing neuroinclusive workspaces https://neuroinclusive.design/en/
They ensured excellent acoustic parameters. Emphasis was placed on the shaping of natural lighting in the space. Glazing in appropriate places ensured that natural light penetrated deep into the space. The project used carefully selected materials with varied textures to positively impact employees’ senses. The goal of such design solutions was to support brain regeneration, and therefore increased productivity and user comfort.
Companies such as: Projekt Rośliny, Trilux, Creo Concept, Zero Waste Design, Wandtke Meble, Ultranet, Bakata, Kinnarps, Ecophon, and Hunter Douglas participated in the project’s realization. Our knowledge and experience in neuroscience were also used.
Together with the client, we created an office that met the needs of employees, the planet, and the business. Ecological materials were used, such as recycled carpets without bituminous backing or PET felt on walls and ceilings. We managed to create a space that is not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing. The office is a “jungle” where outdoor greenery mixes with office greenery. Employees gained a thoughtful and harmonious work environment.
The company’s employees appreciated the effects of our work, stating that it is the “nicest office they have seen.” Because the new location is close to the old one, there was no shock related to the change in location. We created a space that is not only environmentally friendly but also tailored to employees’ needs, providing them with comfort and job satisfaction.
Management: Dominika Zielińska, Bogusz Parzyszek, Paweł Kołodziej
Project Team: Daria Żarnoch, Olga Szadkowska, Małgorzata Romanowicz
Project Management on the Workplace side: Daria Żarnoch, Olga Szadkowska
Client-side Management: Property Manager
Visualizations: Paweł Deroń
Photographs: Adam Grzesik
Size: 900 sqm
Duration: 10 months, started in August 2022 and ended in June 2023
Location: Wrocław Business Parks, Strzegomska Park