Year in numbers | Summary of 2020
The work environments we design are human-centered from the beginning of the process – research to strategy to design. But for us, numbers are how we express the observations and assumptions of each project. There is a reason why one of our pillars is data-driven design. And that’s why we decided to summarize the past year of our work in numbers.
23 is the number of Clients with whom we have cooperated. Some of them are returning companies such as Nordea, UPC Polska, czy Ringier Axel Springer Polska. Some of them are international cooperation with four clients in Germany and Switzerland thanks to our strategic partnership with Workingwell.
9 are new Clients whom we acquired in 2020 and started cooperation with them both in research and design. Thank you for your trust!
We delivered 13 projects last year. These projects ranged in scope from just research and work environment strategy, to design and functional layout, to the overall scope including detailed design, verging on user path design and audiovisual solutions.
53,310 square meters of space were completed as part of our interior design projects – not just workspaces, but also showrooms and even one yoga studio!
7 research & strategy projects conducted by our R&D team. It is the core of our work, and we are constantly trying to explain how many analysis stand behind the design of given workspace.
6160 employees and more specifically their experiences during hybrid work were surveyed in our stand-alone surveys or as an official Polish partner of the global Leesman study.
In a total of 18 conferences, speeches and reports we shared our knowledge. You can read our educational history here.
45 publications have appeared in the media about our projects and initiatives. National and international.
Successes beyond the scale
Our success doesn’t come from looking at mathematical ratios, but we don’t hide it – it gives us a good dose of satisfaction when we see how many things we accomplished last year.
However, not everything can be measured. What were our biggest accomplishments in 2020?
- Two innovative Less Waste Office designs – the second with even less negative environmental impact. This practice is followed by a growing number of sustainable design solutions that we strive to incorporate into every project.
- The final of the international Agile Workplace 2.0 Frame x Orgatec Design Challenge. Our concept for the agile workplace of the future was selected for the winning three.
- A strategic partnership with Leesman on a global study of remote working. This gave us knowledge of the experiences of over 150,000 employees, which we deepened by independently surveying over 6,000 people in Poland.
- Maintaining a consistent level of salary for our architects, designers, researchers and those who support the business. It’s no secret, ensuring financial security is the foundation of quality service for us, so we consider this no small feat!
- Nurturing our team’s relationship in the era of hybrid work. Despite the smooth transition to working remotely, it was the meetings of our łerkplejs community that we missed the most. Therefore, we prioritized team integration, working on internal communication and knowledge sharing.
For those who want to delve deeper into the statistics, we have prepared a full summary below. Feel free to explore!
Finished projects
- Nordea | Command & Control Centre | 2 500 m2 | Warsaw
- Nordea IT | Servised offices | 5 500 m2 | Warsaw
- Ringier Axel Springer Polska | Headquarters | 11 300 m2 | Warsaw
- Renewable energy company | Less Waste Office | 3 600 m2 | Warsaw
- Cambridge Innovation Center | Warsaw Innovation Campus – coworking spaces | 9 000 m2 | Warsaw
- Oceanic | Workspace | 470 m2 | Warsaw
- Kraft Heinz | Workspace | 650 m2 | Warsaw
- Strabag Real Estate | Kraft Office | 350 m2 | Warsaw
- Santander Consumer Bank | Headquarters | 10 000 m2 | Wrocław
- International restaurant holding | Workspace | 5 960 m2 | Wrocław
- Archicom | Workplace strategy and design | 3 000 m2 | Wrocław
- UPC | Commercial store | 150 m2 | Lublin
- Yoga Republic | Yoga studio | 300 m2 | Warsaw
- Many clients | Projects in Germany and Switzerland in cooperation with Workingwell
Research and workplace strategy projects
- Shared service company | 1 700 employees
- Consulting company | 3 000 employees
- Consulting company | 60 employees
- Shared service company | 1 000 employees
- Media&TMT company | 200 employees
- IT & e-commerce company | 200 employees
Business model consultancy
- Analysis of coworking and flex spaces, and their tenants
- Future flex office concept
Pilot project
- Hybrid work environment test
- Hybrid work model strategy based on testing
Change management
- The concept of change management in a hybrid work model for 2000 employees
Conferences and speeches
- 4 Design Days
- FRAME Awards 2020 | Agile Workplace 2.0
- Administrative Directors Summit
- OKK Design: Komunikacja
- Gdynia Design Days | Design Talks Business Summit
- Akademia Najemcy Walter Herz
- WorkFest 2020 | Amstredam
- Future of Work workshop in cooperation with Zuzanna Skalska from Greenhat Innovation and Profim
- Łódź Design Festival
- Global PropTech: Space-as-a-Service | Amsterdam
- PLGBC Symposium 2021
- EkoSfera: Ministerstwo Klimatu i Środowiska | Panel o GOZ
- Kongres Kadry | HR Serca i Rozumu
- Skanska | CEE Roundtable
- „Less Waste w biurze” we współpracy z Knight Frank i PLGBC
- Innogy „Raport Rynku Nieruchomości Komecyjnych”
- „Prognozy przyszłości – OLX Praca. Know How 2021”
- “Less Waste Office” – raport we współpracy z PLGBC i HB Reavis